Article Summary
谢华 朱天怡 刘美岑 宋迪 刘佳 张俊丽.ACOS 与同期哮喘和COPD患者住院情况调查分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(32):6279-6282.
ACOS 与同期哮喘和COPD患者住院情况调查分析
Investigation and Analysis of Hospitalized Patients of ACOS with Asthmaand COPD at the Same Time
中文关键词: 机械通气  哮喘  COPD  ACOS  共存病
英文关键词: Mechanical ventilation  Asthma  COPD  ACOS  Coexist disease
Author NameAffiliation
谢华 朱天怡 刘美岑 宋迪 刘佳 张俊丽 沈阳军区总医院呼吸科 
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      目的:分析ACOS与同期哮喘和COPD患者住院情况。方法:采取回顾性方法,收集6 年内住院ACOS 与同期哮喘和COPD 患者年龄、性别、所患疾病种类和住院费用等临床资料,分别进行统计和分类汇总。结果:2009-2014 年共有1327 哮喘患者住院治 疗,其中合并COPD 有128 人,即ACOS 占哮喘患者的9.6 %。同期收治的慢性支气管炎1989 人、肺气肿1634 人,但行肺功能检 查确诊COPD 的仅367 人,其中合并哮喘同样为128 人,即ACOS 占COPD 患者的34.9 %。性别方面,ACOS组男性最多,仅与哮 喘组比较,P<0.05;年龄,ACOS 介于哮喘和COPD 之间;入住ICU、机械通气治疗,ACOS 组最少,仅与COPD组比较,P<0.05;人 均花费最低,与哮喘和COPD 组比较,P<0.05;死亡情况ACOS 组仅有1 人死亡,死亡率3 组中最低,但P>0.05;共存病情况 ACOS在合并II型呼吸衰竭和过敏性鼻炎方面,与哮喘相似;在合并肺炎和支气管扩张方面与COPD相似;在合并I 型呼吸衰竭、 冠心病、糖尿病和肝、肾功能异常方面,三组比较,组间差异无显著统计学意义,P>0.05;只有合并高血压,ACOS 组明显低于哮喘 和COPD 组,而且组间差异有显著统计学意义,P<0.05。结论:与哮喘和COPD 相比,ACOS有其独特的特点。
      Objective:To analyze the hospitalized patients of ACOS with asthma and COPD at the same time.Methods:A retrospective method was performed to collect the data of hospitalized patients of ACOS with asthma and COPD. The general information including age, sex, hospitalization costs and so on was compared among three groups. And the type and incidence of illness coexisted was also compared among three groups.Results:A total hospitalized patients with asthma were 1327 from 2009 to 2014, of which there were 128 patients with COPD, that meant ACOS accounted for 9.6 %. At the same time, in 1989 patients with chronic bronchitis, and 1634 patients with emphysema, only 367 patients were diagnosed COPD by pulmonary function test, of which there also were 128 people with asthma, that meant patients with ACOS accounted for 34.9 %. About gender, ACOS is the largest group of male patients, P<0.05, compared with the asthma group. About age and days in hospital, group ACOS were between asthma and COPD groups; about stay in ICU, mechanical ventilation, Group ACOS was the lowest, only compared with group COPD, P<0.05; about the cost, compared with the asthma and COPD, group ACOS was the lowest, P<0.05; only 1 died in ACOS group, and the mortality was the lowest in the 3 groups, but P>0.05. About the coexist diseases, for respiratory failure for type II and allergic rhinitist, ACOS was similar to asthma; for pneumonia and bronchiectasis, ACOS was similar to COPD; for respiratory failure for type I, coronary heart disease, diabetes and liver and kidney function abnormalities, there are no difference between the groups, P >0.05; only for hypertension, ACOS was significantly lower than that of asthma and COPD group, P <0.05.Conclusion:Compared with the asthma and COPD, ACOS has its unique characteristics.
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