Article Summary
张雪梅 刘波 王珍芳 丁育增 张小用 程功 任媛 张阳.三维超声心动图评价不同年龄段和性别主动脉瓣二叶畸形[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(33):6555-6558.
Three-dimensional Echocardiographic Evaluation of Different Ages andGender on Bicuspid Aortic Valve Malformation
中文关键词: 超声心动描记术  三维  主动脉瓣二叶畸形  彩色多普勒
英文关键词: Echocardiography  Three-dimensional  Bicuspid aortic valve  Color Doppler
Author NameAffiliation
张雪梅 刘波 王珍芳 丁育增 张小用 程功 任媛 张阳 陕西省人民医院暨西安交通大学第三附属医院超声科陕西省人民医院暨西安交通大学第三附属医院心脏内二科 
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      目的:三维超声心动图评估不同年龄段和性别主动脉瓣二叶畸形(bicuspid aortic valve malformation,BAV)的应用价值。方 法:超声心动图检测我院2012年6 月至2014 年9 月70 例BAV患者,根据年龄段分为4 组,≤ 20 岁年龄组7 例,21-40 岁年龄组 14 例,41-60 岁年龄组30 例,≥ 60 岁年龄组19 例;根据性别分为2 组,男性42 例,女性28 例。测量不同病例分组的主动脉窦部 及升部内径、室间隔厚度、左心功能及左房横径,比较主动脉瓣狭窄、关闭不全、钙化及脱垂四个合并症发生率。结果:在心脏结构 指标方面,年龄段分组室间隔厚度≥ 60 岁年龄组12.37± 1.64 mm高于≤ 20 岁年龄组10.43± 2.22 mm 和21-40 岁年龄组11.00± 1.92 mm;左房横径41-60 岁年龄组38.73± 7.95 mm 和≥ 60 岁年龄组40.05± 9.71 mm 高于≤ 20岁年龄组29.86± 1.86 mm。性别 分组左心功能女性64.18± 6.04 %高于男性58.71± 11.28 %。在合并症发生率方面年龄段分组主动脉瓣狭窄41-60 岁年龄组80 %、≥ 60 岁年龄组84 %高于21-40 岁年龄组50 %,性别分组狭窄男性81 %大于女性54 %,关闭不全女性79 %大于男性50 %。结 论:三维超声心动图诊断BAV可获得更加全面、具体、直观的诊断信息,BAV 的超声表现与患者年龄段和性别密切相关。
      Objective:To assess three-dimensional echocardiographic application value of different ages and gender on bicuspid aortic valve malformation (BAV).Methods:Echocardiography in our hospital from June 2012 to September 2014 detected 70 cases of BAV patients, which were divided into 4 groups according to the age, ≤ 20 age group 7 cases, 21-40 age group 14 cases, 41-60 age group 30 cases, and ≥ 60 age group 19 cases; which were divided into 2 groups, 42 cases in male, 28 cases in female according to the gender. Measurement of different cases on internal diameterand of Aortic sinus and ascending aorta, interventricular septum thickness, left ventricular function and left atrial diameter, four complication rates were compared with aortic stenosis, regurgitation, calcification and prolapse.Results:In cardiac structure, age groups on interventricular septal thickness in ≥ 60 age group 12.37± 1.64 mm is higher than ≤ 20 age group 10.43± 2.22 mm and 21-40 age group 11.00± 1.92 mm; left atrial diameter in 41-60 age group 38.73± 7.95 mm and ≥ 60 age group 40.05± 9.71 mmare higher than ≤ 20 age group 29.86± 1.86 mm. Gender groups on left ventricular function in female 64.18± 6.04%is greater than male 58.71± 11.28%. In complication rates, age groups on aortic stenosis in 41-60 age group 80%, ≥ 60 age group 84%are higher than 21-40 age group 50%, gender groups on stenosis in male 81%is greater than female 54%, regurgitation in female 79%is greater than male 50%.Conclusion:Three dimensional echocardiography in the diagnosis of BAV can obtain more comprehensive and specific, intuitive diagnostic information, ultrasonography in patients with BAVis closely related to the age and gender.
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