Article Summary
韩晨霞 李峰△ 马捷 刘燕 宋月晗 郭思媛 吴凤芝 田丁.长航人员心理疲劳与GABA机制相关性探讨[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(2):397-400.
The Research Situation of the Relativity between Mental Fatigue in the Navyand the Mechanismof GABA
中文关键词: 长航人员  心理疲劳  GABA  机制
英文关键词: Navy  Mental fatigue  GABA  Machenism
基金项目:北京中医药大学航海中医药学协同创新中心(522/0100604299); 心理理疲劳大鼠模型的建立于评价及其在GABA转运通路上机制的探讨(2014-JYBZZ-XS-008)
Author NameAffiliation
韩晨霞 李峰△ 马捷 刘燕 宋月晗 郭思媛 吴凤芝 田丁 北京中医药大学 
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      心理疲劳指由于长期从事某项工作而出现的心理耗竭感,以及对任务的不能胜任感,并伴有情绪,认知,学习记忆力等方面 的功能减退。长航人员作为一种特殊群体,其面对和承担的问题和压力都更加严峻,其心理疲劳的发病更具针对性,严重影响了 我国海军整体实力。本文对长航人员心理疲劳从概念,表现等方面深入讨论,并进一步分析心理疲劳发病机制与GABA 的相关 性。心理疲劳的发生可能和中枢神经系统内抑制作用密切相关,而GABA 作为脑内的经典抑制性神经递质在整个反应过程中起 到关键和标志性作用。然而该结论还有待进一步分子生物学实验研究的证明。
      Mental fatigue is a consequence of multiple changes of central nervous system, which bring us a much lower efficiency during working and an unpleasant life quantity. The symptoms of mental fatigue include negative emotions, learning and memory capacity decreasing and others. Mental fatigue in the navy which suffer from high pressure and more difficult issues as an particular group has significantly influenced the overall strength and competiveness of the navy. This article summed up the definition, manifestation of the mental fatigue in the navy, gave a discussion about the Relativity between Mental Fatigue in the Navy and the Mechanism of GABA. The mechanism of mental fatigue can be involved with the inhibition in the central nervous system, in which the GABA plays an important role in the whole issue . However this hypothesis remains to be proved by experiment of molecular biology in further studies.
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