Article Summary
胡婕 刘辉 康红军 潘亮 胡新 周飞虎△.对重症医学科进修生的临床教学体会[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(2):347-349.
Experience of Clinical Education of Post Graduate Students in Department of Critical Care Medicine
中文关键词: 重症医学科  进修医生  教学
英文关键词: Critical Care Medicine  Post graduate students  Teaching
Author NameAffiliation
胡婕 刘辉 康红军 潘亮 胡新 周飞虎△ 解放军总医院重症医学科 
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      重症医学在我国发展较为滞后,多数重症医学科医生来自于其他专业,缺乏重症医学专业知识及临床实践经验。建立完善、 科学、有效的重症医学科进修生管理和培养模式对于进一步提高危重症救治专业人才的水平至关重要。我科室通过总结多年的 进修生教学经验,以“病例分析学习(case based learning,CBL)+ 多学科协作(multiple department team,MDT)”教学模式为主导, 以病例幻灯竞赛为契机激发进修医生学习的主观能动性;以专业英语为特色;重视临床科研教学;制定规范化培训制度,实行导师负责制,开展定期考核。显著提高了重症医学科进修生的医疗及科研水平。
      Critical care medicine in China is still in its infancy. Physicians in critical care medicine often come from other relevant professionals. As a result, those doctors are lack of professional knowledge and clinical experience. Thus, it is essential to establish and improve a scientific and effective management training mode of critical care medicine, and training for post graduate students to further improve professional skills. The teaching experience, involved based learning (CBL) system and problem based learning (PBL) teaching pattern, was summerized according to our clinical education experience. Inspiration of students was aroused via case report contest. Furthermore, professional English teaching and clinical research and teaching were important topic of training;. Moreover, standardized training system and tutor-responsible system, and regular assessment were constructed. Through these methods, clinical and research abilities of post graduate students in critical care medicine were significantly improved.
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