Article Summary
陈醒 孙宇 张婧 白文佩 秦丽华.黑升麻对围绝经期综合征治疗作用的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(5):959-961.
Research Advances of Black Cohosh in Perimenopausal Syndrome
中文关键词: 黑升麻  围绝经期综合征  5-羟色胺  雌激素
英文关键词: Black cohosh  Perimenopausal syndrome  5-hydroxytryptamine  Estrogen
Author NameAffiliation
陈醒 孙宇 张婧 白文佩 秦丽华 北京大学第一医院妇产科北京大学医学部解剖与组织胚胎学系 
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      黑升麻是一种植物药,目前已广泛应用于缓解围绝经期综合征的相关症状。近些年来,大量临床研究证明,黑升麻能有效缓 解低雌激素相关的血管舒缩症状(潮热出汗)、精神心理症状(失眠、抑郁、易激惹)、泌尿生殖症状(阴道萎缩、干涩)等,并能预防 绝经后妇女的骨质疏松。与激素疗法相比,黑升麻的不良反应少且轻,暂未发现妇科恶性肿瘤增加的风险。其安全性远远高于激 素,且对身体还有其它的潜在益处。黑升麻的作用机制目前还未明确,目前发现黑升麻的作用机制类似于雌激素受体调节剂,且 黑升麻还与神经递质5- 羟色胺、r- 氨基丁酸及阿片受体有关。本文主要综述黑升麻在缓解围绝经期综合征中的作用机制、有效 性及安全性,并与其它治疗围绝经期综合征的药物的疗效进行比较。
      Black cohosh is an herb which is widely used in alleviating perimenopausal syndrome. Recently many clinical trials have proved that black cohosh can alleviate symptoms associated with low estrogen such as vasomotor symptoms (hot flash and sweating), psychological symptoms (insomnia, depression and irritability) and urogenital symptoms (vaginal atrophy and dryness), and can be used to prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. In contrast to hormone therapy, side effects of black cohosh are less and lighter. In addition, it may not increase the risk of gynecological malignant tumors. It is safer than hormone therapy. Moreover, it has other potential benefits for human body. The mechanism of black cohosh on perimenopausal syndrome is not fully understood. It has been widely accepted that its mechanismis similar to estrogen receptor modulator and associated with neurotransmitters such as 5-hydroxytryptamine, r-aminobutyric acid and opioid receptor. This paper mainly introduces the mechanism, efficacy and safety of black cohosh in alleviating perimenopausal syndrome, and comparison of therapeutic effect with other drugs which are also used to alleviate perimenopausal syndrome.
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