Article Summary
张辰 赵振民△ 张翔宇 童海洲 李婉迪.干细胞诱导分化为产胰岛素细胞的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(7):1350-1353.
Research Progress of the Induction of Insulin-producing Cells fromStemCells
中文关键词: 干细胞  诱导分化  产胰岛素细胞  I型糖尿病
英文关键词: Stemcell  Differentiation  Insulin-producing cells  Type I diabetes mellitus
Author NameAffiliation
张辰 赵振民△ 张翔宇 童海洲 李婉迪 北京协和医学院中国医学科学院整形外科医院整形 
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      I型糖尿病(胰岛素依赖型糖尿病)主要是由于自身免疫反应导致胰岛茁细胞损伤所致。目前,临床上主要通过口服降糖药物 和胰岛素替代疗法等内科措施治疗I型糖尿病,但只能延缓疾病的发展,并不能彻底治愈。迄今为止,已有研究报道利用胚胎干细 胞和成体干细胞成功诱导分化为产胰岛素细胞(IPCs),这给I型糖尿病的治疗带来了新的希望。从干细胞诱导成IPCs的诱导方法 都是多阶段的,因干细胞来源不同,诱导所需时间从几天到几个月差异很大,不同诱导方法中所用诱导因子也有所不同,主要包 括表皮生长因子、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子、激活素A、beta细胞素、尼克酰胺、Exendin-4、肝细胞生长因子、胃泌素、葡萄糖和胎牛血 清等。目前,尚无统一标准诱导方法可大量并稳定的获得IPCs,并使之分泌的胰岛素量可满足临床治疗。因此,在IPCs临床应用 前,关于来源干细胞的选择、诱导方法和诱导所需因子的选用仍需进一步深入探讨。本文主要就干细胞诱导分化为产胰岛素细胞 的研究进展进行了综述。
      Type 1 diabetes mellitus (Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, IDDM) was mainly due to pancreatic islets beta cells injury caused by autoimmune response. Currently, clinical treatment of type 1 diabetes, mainly revolving conventional oral hypoglycaemic agents and insulin replacement therapy, could hardly completely cure the disease but only delayed the progression. Recently, successful induction of IPCs from various of stem cells brought new hope. The protocols of the IPCs induction were multistage and lasted froma couple of days to months long according to the different sources of stemcells. The extrinsic factors involved differed frommethod to method, mainly including epidermal growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, activin A, betacellulin, gastrin, nicotinamide, exendin- 4, hepatocyte growth factor, glucose and foetal bovine serum. However, the problem of producing sufficient IPCs that could produce sufficient insulin for clinical use was not resolved. Therefore, before the clinical application of IPCs, further exploration was necessary for the choice of stemcells, methods, and extrinsic factors for induction. This article mainly reviewed the research progress of the induction of IPCs fromstemcells.
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