Article Summary
郭荣 史滢深 侯强 刘蔡钺 刘安堂 朱鴷 江华△.兔肋软骨解剖及生物力学实验模型研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(9):1619-1622.
Study of Rabbit Costal Cartilage Anatomical and Biomechanical Model
中文关键词: 肋软骨  动物模型  生物力学  
英文关键词: Costal cartilage  Animal model  Biomechanical property  Rabbit
Author NameAffiliation
郭荣 史滢深 侯强 刘蔡钺 刘安堂 朱鴷 江华△ 第二军医大学附属长征医院整形外科 
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      目的:通过对兔肋软骨进行解剖测量以及生物力学测试,探索建立兔肋软骨解剖及生物力学实验模型的方法。方法:对8 只 新西兰大白兔进行解剖,观察胸廓及肋骨、肋软骨的结构和排列。剥离软骨膜后测量肋软骨的长度及横径;对第4 至第7 肋软骨 进行压缩测试和拉伸测试。结果:兔胸廓是由胸骨、肋骨(含肋软骨)及脊柱构成的上小下大的笼状结构,多数兔拥有12 对肋骨, 12.5%有13 对肋骨。其中第1-7肋通过软骨直接与胸骨相连,称为真肋;第8-10 肋软骨不直接与胸骨相连,而是通过韧带连接,称 为假肋;第11-13肋游离在腹壁中,是为浮肋。肋软骨的长度从第1 至第7 肋逐渐增加,从第8 至第13肋逐渐减少。真肋的横径明 显比假肋及浮肋的大。正常兔肋软骨压缩测试中抗压强度平均12.73 ± 1.06 MPa,极限压缩应变平均63.77% ± 2.67%,压缩模量 平均27.64 ± 1.88 MPa;拉伸测试中抗拉强度平均3.78 ± 0.48 MPa,极限拉伸应变19.79% ± 2.38%,拉伸模量平均25.94 ± 4.09 MPa。结论:新西兰大白兔可提供数量可观且有一定尺寸的肋软骨,其力学性能与青年人类肋软骨接近,可作为研究软骨手术操作 的实验动物。
      Objective:To establish a rabbit costal cartilage anatomical and biomechanical model by means of dissection, measurement and mechanical test on rabbit costal cartilage.Methods:Eight New Zealand white rabbits were included in this study. The structure and permutation of thoracic ribs and costal cartilages were observed after dissection. Length and transverse diameter of each rib cartilage were measured with perichondrium detached. Tensile and compressive test were taken on the 4 th to 7 th rib cartilage.Results:①Most rabbits had 12 pairs of ribs. About 12.5%of the rabbits had 13 pairs of ribs. The 1st to 7th rib cartilage directly connected to the sternum, called True Rib. The 8th to 10th rib cartilage did not directly but with ligaments connect to the sternum, called False Rib. The 11th to 13th rib was freely buried in the abdominal wall, known as Floating Rib. The length of rib cartilage gradually increased from 1th to 7th rib, and declined from 8th to 13th. As to the transverse diameter of each costal cartilage, True Rib was thicker than either False Rib or Floating Rib. ②The compressive strength of rabbit rib cartilage was 12.73 ± 1.06 MPa on average, the ultimate strain 63.77% ± 2.67%, and the modulus of elasticity 27.64 ± 1.88 MPa. The tensile strength was 3.78 ± 0.48 MPa on average, the ultimate strain 19.79% ± 2.38%, and the modulus of elasticity 25.94 ± 4.09 MPa.Conclusion:New Zealand white rabbit is a good choice for costal cartilage surgical research, because of its capacity of offering considerable quantity and sufficient size of costal cartilage, which is similar to human costal cartilage on mechanical property.
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