Article Summary
曹玲玲 段朝霞 张婷 袁瑞兰 王刚阳.恶性肿瘤与血栓形成研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(11):2187-2190.
Progress of Study on Malignant Tumors and Thrombogenesis
中文关键词: 恶性肿瘤  血栓形成  风险评估  预防
英文关键词: Malignant tumors  Thrombogenesis  Risk assessment  Prevention
Author NameAffiliation
曹玲玲 段朝霞 张婷 袁瑞兰 王刚阳 山西医科大学山西省人民医院血液科 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院 
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      血栓形成是癌症患者最常见的并发症之一,也是仅次于癌症本身引起患者死亡的主要因素。癌症患者凝血系统的改变,将 会对肿瘤的形成、转移等产生影响。本文通过介绍恶性肿瘤患者并发血栓形成的风险评估以及预防方法,总结恶性肿瘤血栓形成 的危险因素及发生机制,探讨临床实践过程中恶性肿瘤血栓形成的风险评估方法和预防措施,为避免或减少血栓的发生提供参 考。
      Thrombogenesis is a common complication of malignant disease. It is the second key factor of death in cancer patients. The activation of blood coagulation system on cancer patients will affect tumor formation, transfer, etc. This paper focused on the risk assessment and prevention methods for malignant tumor patients complicated with thrombosis, from which we hope clinicians to have a further understanding on the formation of thrombosis in patients with malignant tumors, summarized the risk factors and formation mechanism, as well as the prevention and treatment for malignat tumors associated thrombosis in order to prevent or reduce the incidence of thrombogenesis for patients with malignant tumors.
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