Article Summary
贺栋业 张萍 罗新星 李晓宇 王丽丽 李淑英 徐永平.抗抑郁药用植物研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(13):2552-2558.
Research Progresses on Antidepressant Activity of Medicinal Plants
中文关键词: 药用植物  抑郁  强迫游泳实验  槟榔  贯叶连翘
英文关键词: Medicinal plants  Depression  Forced swimming test  Areca catechu L.  HypericumperforatumL.
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(DUT13JB04;DUT13RC(3)94); 国家科技部农业科技成果转化资金项目(2013GB2B020531)
Author NameAffiliation
贺栋业 张萍 罗新星 李晓宇 王丽丽 李淑英 徐永平 大连理工大学生命科学与技术学院教育部动物性食品安全保障技术工程研究中心大连赛姆生物工程技术有限公司 
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      近年来,虽然药用植物被用于临床治疗精神紊乱和行为异常等相关性疾病,如:抑郁、焦虑、癫痫、记忆力衰退、失眠、老年痴 呆和药物中毒等,但是,有关药用植物抗抑郁作用的研究性报道较少,且不够系统。本综述主要归纳和总结了具有抗抑郁作用的 药用植物及其活性提取物,包括药用植物粗提物和单体活性成分等天然产物,为充分开发利用我国药用植物资源以及民间传统 用药提供科学依据,促进高效安全抑郁症治疗方法的研究。
      In recent years, medicinal plants have been used in clinical treatment of such psychotropic and behavioural disorders as depression, anxiety, seizures, hypomnesis, insomnia, dementia and drug intoxication. There have been limited reports on Chinese medicinal plants having antidepressant activity. This article summarized medicinal plants against depression and their active extracts, including crude extracts and monomer compositions. The present study could provide scientific credence to the traditional medicines and full development and utilization of medicinal plant resources in China. Furthermore, the study could promote the development of more effective and safe remedies against depression.
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