Article Summary
邵甜 侯作旭 杨湾湾 张二飞 阴弯弯 李项瑞 侯立朝.microRNAs调控脓毒症Toll样受体通路研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(13):2577-2581.
Advances in microRNAs asA Regulator of Toll-like Receptors(TLRs)Signaling Pathways in Sepsis
中文关键词: 脓毒症  miRNA  TLRs  免疫  炎症
英文关键词: Sepsis  miRNA  TLRs  Immunity  Inflammation
Author NameAffiliation
邵甜 侯作旭 杨湾湾 张二飞 阴弯弯 李项瑞 侯立朝 第四军医大学附属西京医院麻醉科 
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      脓毒症是重症监护病房(ICU)患者死亡的重要原因。近年来,随着现代医学的发展,脓毒症救治成功率有所提高,但总的死 亡例数继续增加,研究脓毒症发生机制及救治策略具有重要的临床意义。目前认为,免疫炎性反应紊乱是脓毒症的重要特征,也 是脓毒症患者死亡的根本原因;Toll 样受体(TLRs)炎性信号通路失调是脓毒症的重要病理生理机制;microRNAs(miRNAs)是其 中的关键调控分子,miRNAs 对TLR信号通路组成分子的调控,包括对TLRs、TLR 信号蛋白、转录因子、细胞因子及TLR 信号通 路的调控分子等5 个水平。本文综述了近年来microRNAs调控脓毒症Toll样受体通路的研究进展。
      Sepsis is one of the leading causes of death in ICUs (Intensive Care Units). Although great progress has been made in treating sepsis during the recent years, the total death cases resulting from sepsis continue to increase because of a growing number of cases of sepsis in the global world. Therefore, there remains a need to develop better treatment strategies. Up to now, the disordered immune inflammatory response to infection is believed to be an important feature of sepsis, and is the basic reason for death of septic patients. Earlier studies have demonstrated that microRNAs (miRNAs) are important components and critical regulators of toll-like receptor signaling in five levels, including TLR expression, TLR signalling proteins, transcription factors, cytokine mRNAs and TLR signalling regulators. The present article mainly focused on advances of microRNAs in regulating TLR signaling pathways associated with sepsis.
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