Article Summary
潘逸茹 王亚岚 喻红之 薛惠君 李亚健 陆元善△.晨尿AD7c-NTP水平与轻度认知障碍之间的关系[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(19):3676-3679.
The Relationship between the Level of Alzheimer-associated NeuronalThread Protein in Morning Urine and Mild Cognitive ImpairmentTo
中文关键词: 中老年男性  阿尔茨海默病相关神经丝蛋白  轻度认知障碍
英文关键词: Middle-aged men  Alzheimer-associated neuronal thread protein  Mild cognitive impairment
Author NameAffiliation
潘逸茹 王亚岚 喻红之 薛惠君 李亚健 陆元善△ 复旦大学附属华东医院检验科复旦大学附属华东医院神经内科上海交通大学附属第一人民医院输血科 
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      目的:探讨老年男性晨尿阿尔茨海默病相关神经丝蛋白(AD7c-NTP)水平与轻度认知障碍(MCI)发病之间关系。方法:收集 341 例住院老年男性患者中段晨尿,采用双抗体夹心法测定尿液AD7c-NTP 浓度。同时,对患者进行痴呆系列测试、行头颅CT 和 (或)MRI检查。根据测试结果剔除20例早老性痴呆患者,剩余321例患者根据测试及检查结果分为对照和MCI组,两组病例数 分别为270 例和51 例,分析尿液AD7c-NTP 浓度与年龄和MCI 发病之间关系。结果:老年男性晨尿AD7c-NTP浓度呈偏态分 布,测定结果中位数为0.475 ug/L(0.001 ug/L-8.85 ug/L);对照组年龄76.0± 9.0 岁,AD7c-NTP 测定结果中位数为0.467 ug/L (0.001 ug/L-8.85 ug/L);MCI组51 例年龄85.7± 8.2 岁,AD7c-NTP 测定结果中位数为0.862 ug/L(0.10 ug/L-8.20 ug/L);两组年 龄之间存在显著差异(P=0.000);晨尿AD7c-NTP 浓度与年龄的Spearman 相关系数为0.267 (P=0.00)。未考虑年龄影响时,两组ln (AD7c-NTP)之间差异有显著(P=0.041);考虑年龄影响后,两组ln(AD7c-NTP)之间差异显著性消失(P=0.604)。结论:晨尿 AD7c-NTP浓度与年龄相关,AD7c-NTP 与MCI发病之间关系需进一步研究。
      Objective:To investigate the relationship between the concentration of morning urine Alzheimer-associated neuronal thread protein (AD7c-NTP) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in middle-aged men.Methods:341 mid-stream urine samples were collected in middle-aged men from inpatients and urine AD7c-NTP concentrations were measured with double antibodies sandwich method. All patients underwent extensive examinations, including a series of tests of cognitive function, and a head CT scan or MRI to rule out local brain lesions. Twenty patients were excluded from the research since they were diagnosed as AD. 321 remainders were divided into control and MCI groups according to tests results and clinic. There were 270 patients and 51 patients in the control and MCI groups, respectively. The relationship between urine levels of AD7c-NTP and MCI was investigated with SSPS.Results:It was skewed distribution for urine AD7c-NTP concentrations in middle-aged men. The median of urine AD7c-NTP concentration was 0.475 ug/L (0.001 ug/L- 8.85 ug/L). The age for the control group was 76.0± 9.0 years old. The median of urine AD7c-NTP concentration was 0.467 ug/L (0.001 ug/L- 8.85 ug/L) for the control group. There age for the MCI group was 85.7± 8.2 years old. The median of urine AD7c-NTP concentration was 0.862 ug/L (0.10 ug/L- 8.20 ug/L) for the MCI group. There were significant differences between two groups of age (P=0.000). The Spearman correlation coefficient was 0.267 between urine AD7c-NTP concentration and patient's age (P=0. 00). If patients' ages were not considered, there was a significant difference between two groups' ln(AD7c-NTP)(P=0.041). But the significant difference disappeared when ages were considered (P=0.604)Conclusion: There was a relationship between morning urine AD7c-NTP concentration and age. Further researches should be carried out to clarify whether morning urine AD7c-NTP concentrations can be used for clinical MCI auxiliary diagnosis.
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