Article Summary
宋雪冬 杨文丽 王英 徐丽娟 薛振伟.三种自体输血方法在剖宫产手术中应用的适宜性分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(25):4973-4975.
Analysis of the Suitability of Three Methods of Autologous BloodTransfusion in Cesarean Section
中文关键词: 自体输血  剖宫产  适宜性
英文关键词: Autologous blood transfusion  Cesarean section  Suitability
Author NameAffiliation
宋雪冬 杨文丽 王英 徐丽娟 薛振伟 廊坊市第四人民医院/ 承德医学院附属医院检验科廊坊市第四人民医院/ 承德医学院附属医院产一科 
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      目的:分析三种自体输血方法在剖宫产手术中的可行性与易行性。方法:根据孕产妇的生理特点,分别对三种自体输血方法 在应用中可能出现的问题及优缺点进行针对性的研究分析。结果:贮存式自体输血在操作时间上较灵活,贮血量较大,但环节较 多,相对繁琐;稀释式自体输血极为契合产妇的生理特点,可提供血液贮备,也能促进机体组织细胞对氧的摄取和利用,但一次性 采血量会有局限;回收式自体输血无需对产妇本身进行直接操作,患者相对容易接受,但由于回收血液可能会受到羊水和胎儿血 液污染,在实际工作中应用很少。结论:三种自体输血方式各有利弊,但稀释式自体输血由于其简单易行且适合于产妇的生理特 点,在剖宫产手术的应用中可行性更高。对于预计出血量极大的情况,可考虑两种或三种自体输血方式的联合应用。
      Objective:To analyze the feasibility and tractability of three methods of autologous blood transfusion in cesarean section.Methods:According to the maternal physiological characters, the possible problems and the advantages and disadvantages of three methods of autologous blood transfusion. In the application were analyzed respectively.Results:The preoperative autologous blood donation was flexible in operation time and large in storage volume, but it was relatively cumbersome because of many sections involved; Hemodilution autotransfusion was extremely fitted the maternal physiological characters, which can provide the blood reserve and promote the uptake and utilization of oxygen in human tissue cells, but disposable blood volume was limited; Intraoperative blood salvage did not requiring a direct operation on the puerperants, so the patient was relatively easy to accept, but it was rarely applied in practice because the salvaged blood may be polluted by amniotic fluid and fetal blood.Conclusion:The three methods of autologous blood transfusion have advantages and disadvantages, but hemodilution autotransfusion is more feasible in the application of cesarean section, because of its simple and suitable for maternal physiological characters. A combination of two or three methods of autologous blood transfusion may be considered when the amount of hemorrhage is expected to be large.
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