Article Summary
胡章威 陈晨 汪雷 李曼 郑安元 陶泽璋.头颈部鳞状细胞癌相关肿瘤标志物的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(25):4984-4988.
The Developments of Tumor Markers in Head and Neck Squamous CellCarcinoma*
中文关键词: 头颈部鳞状细胞癌  肿瘤标志物  癌前诊断  预后
英文关键词: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma  Tumor marker  Precancerous diagnosis  Prognosis
Author NameAffiliation
胡章威 陈晨 汪雷 李曼 郑安元 陶泽璋 武汉大学人民医院耳鼻喉头颈外科 
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      头颈部鳞状细胞癌(head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, HNSCC)是头颈部恶性肿瘤的主要病理类型,约占所有头颈部肿 瘤的90 %。而据我们临床所见,大约有70%~ 80 %的患者就诊时已为局部晚期,其治疗效果欠佳,预后差。肿瘤标志物又叫做肿 瘤标记物,是指特征性存在于恶性肿瘤细胞,或是由恶性肿瘤细胞异常而产生的物质,或是宿主对于肿瘤的刺激反应而产生的物 质,并且能够反映肿瘤发生、发展,以及监测肿瘤对治疗反应的一类物质。作为近年来研究热点的肿瘤标志物,具有简便、经济、快 速、无创的特点,更重要的是一些标志物在组织器官发生形态学变化之前就有表达。因此,肿瘤标志物的研究对头颈部鳞状细胞 癌的早期诊断以及判断预后都具有十分重要的意义。本文综述近几年来发现的可能与头颈部鳞状细胞癌的发生发展或者预后相 关的肿瘤标志物。
      In head and neck, the most pathologic type of tumor is squamous cell carcinoma, almost occupying 90 percent of all. In our clinical experience, about 70 %~ 80 %of the patients had been in locally advanced stage, with poor prognosis. Tumor markers refer to something just existing in malignant cells or produced by them, or some substance produced by the host as response to the stimulation of tumor. Markers can reflect the occurrence and development of tumor, and can monitor the tumor's response to treatment. In recent years as a hot topic, tumor markers are simple, rapid, economic and noninvasive. More importantly, some markers are expressed even before morphological changes of tissues and organs. Therefore, the study of tumor markers has great significance in the early diagnosis and prognosis estimation of HNSCC. The progress of tumor markers related to the development and prognosis of HNSCC discovered in recent years is summarized in this article.
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