Article Summary
路德娟 金辉 孙凤云 高维玮 张力娜 谢晨.临床给药错误的原因及预防对策[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(33):6576-6579.
The Causes and Countermeasure of Medication Administration Error
中文关键词: 给药管理  给药错误  用药管理
英文关键词: Medication administration  Medication malpractice  Clinical drug administration
Author NameAffiliation
路德娟 金辉 孙凤云 高维玮 张力娜 谢晨 哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院神经内科 哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院药剂科 哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院微创神经外科 
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      目的:对我院发生的临床给药差错事件进行回顾性分析,找出临床给药差错的影响因素,不断提高临床用药安全性。方法: 对我院2013 年3 月-2015 年3 月进行住院治疗的患者进行调查,总结发生临床给药错误的患者资料,对200 起发生在我院的临 床给药错误案例进行回顾性分析。结果:我院发生的200 起临床给药错误案例中,药品错误、剂量错误和遗漏在给药错误中的比 例占74%;且非节假日发生临床给药错误的次数高于节假日;职称、工作年限和系统设备对降低临床给药错误的发生有重要影 响。结论:规范给药管理制度,增加护士值班人数、对护士实行人性化管理,将给药管理视为一个整体,实行全员管理制度可以有 效降低临床给药错误发生率。
      Objective:To find the factors affecting medication administration errors and improve the safety of clinical administration by retrospective analysis.Methods:Choose patients in our hospital from March 2013-March 2015 as respondents, summarize the patient data about clinical administration, and then retrospectively analyze the 200 cases of medication administration error occurred in our hospital.Results:In 200 cases of medication errors, the drug and dose error and drug omission account for 74%; and medication errors probability frequency were especially high during festival than non-festival. In the end, the grade, work experiences as well as system device have an important effect on medication errors.Conclusion:Specification for drug management system, increasing the size of the nurses on duty at noon, implements humanized management for the nurse, taking medicine management as a whole and carrying out the overall management systemcan effectively reduce the incidence of clinical medication errors.
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