Article Summary
谭谡 谭杭剑 唐惟微 周燕萍 任华益.儿童巴特综合征药物治疗一例分析暨文献复习[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(33):6580-6582.
Analysis on Medication ofA Case of Children Bart Syndrome
中文关键词: 巴特综合征  处方点评  药物治疗
英文关键词: Bartter syndrome  Prescription comment  Pharmaceutical treatments
Author NameAffiliation
谭谡 谭杭剑 唐惟微 周燕萍 任华益 武警重庆总队医院药剂科中南大学湘雅医学院附属肿瘤医院药学部 
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      目的:加强对儿童巴特综合征药物治疗的认识,探讨医院药学部门的处方点评模式。方法:分析我院2015 年12 月的1张巴 特综合征患者处方的合理性,并复习相关文献。结果:本张处方初评时被判定为不合理处方,经过临床药师与临床医师的沟通和 查阅相关文献,复评时将此处方改判为合理处方,证明了我院三级处方点评模式可以提高药师审查处方的能力,确保处方点评合 理、公平。结论:表面上看用药不合理的处方并不一定是真正的不合理,要深入分析处方的内涵,才能对处方进行准确的判定。三 级处方点评模式能促进药师学习掌握专业知识技能,提高判断处方的能力。
      Objective:To raise the cognition of pharmaceutical treatments for Bartter's syndrome and explore the prescription comment pattern for hospital pharmacies.Methods:The rationality of one prescription for a patient with Bartter's syndrome in our hospital in December 2015 was analyzed, and the relevant literature references were reviewed.Results:This prescription was deemed as irrational upon preliminary assessment, but was re-assessed as being rational upon consultation with the clinical pharmacists and physicians and relevant literature review, evidencing that a three-level prescription comment pattern adopted by our hospital could improve the pharmacists' ability for prescription assessment, thus ensuring rationality and non-bias of prescription comment.Conclusion:A seemingly irrational drug prescription may not be irrational in the real sense, which requires intensive analysis of the prescription to ensure rationality and non-bias of prescription comment. Our three-level prescription comment pattern could prompt the pharmacists to become more proficient with the professional knowledge and skills, thus improving their ability for prescription assessment.
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