Article Summary
黄 理,姚朝光,陈丽芬,蓝 婧,黄霜湘,江秋维,杨月华.肝外胆管结石微创治疗的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2017,17(4):791-794.
Research Progress of Minimally Invasive Treatment of Extrahepatic Bile Duct Stones
Received:June 29, 2016  Revised:July 20, 2016
中文关键词: 肝外胆管结石  腹腔镜  消化内镜  胆道镜  十二指肠镜
英文关键词: Extrahepatic bile duct stone  Laparoscopic  Gastroendoscope  Choledochoscope  Duodenoscope
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
黄 理 右江民族医学院附属河池医院/河池市人民医院消化内科 广西 河池 547000 
姚朝光 右江民族医学院附属河池医院/河池市人民医院消化内科 广西 河池 547000  
陈丽芬 右江民族医学院附属河池医院/河池市人民医院消化内科 广西 河池 547000  
蓝 婧 右江民族医学院附属河池医院/河池市人民医院消化内科 广西 河池 547000  
黄霜湘 右江民族医学院附属河池医院/河池市人民医院消化内科 广西 河池 547000  
江秋维 右江民族医学院附属河池医院/河池市人民医院消化内科 广西 河池 547000  
杨月华 右江民族医学院附属河池医院/河池市人民医院消化内科 广西 河池 547000  
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      ABSTRACT: Extrahepatic bile duct stone is a common clinical diseases in hepatobiliary surgery,and threatens the quality of life seriously. Current treatment were based on surgery, and the past surgery method were abdominal bile duct incision to take stones. With the development of the minimally invasive technology, the method to treatment the extrahepatic bile duct stone were increasingly, and the laparoscopic, choledochoscope and duodenoscope are used by the patients in hepatobiliary surgery. The methods of the treatment for extrahepatic bile duct stone are increasingly, like endoscopic sphincterotomy, endoscopic papillary balloon dilation, endoscopic naso-biliary drainage, laparoscopic trans-cystic common bile duct exploration, laparoscopic common bile duct exploration, laparoscopic bile duct exploration and primary suture, especially the used for combined appliances of three endoscopies. This article draw up to summary the minimally invasive technology in the treatment of extrahepatic bile duct stone and state the research advance.
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