Article Summary
郝建慧,姚盛波,李旭光,樊 莉,刘 艳.盐酸右美托咪定抗心律失常的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2017,17(5):985-988.
Research Progress on the Antiarrhythmic Effect of Dexmedetomidine
Received:April 05, 2016  Revised:April 30, 2016
中文关键词: 盐酸右美托咪定  心律失常  心肌保护  α2肾上腺素能受体
英文关键词: Dexmedetomidine  Arrhythmia  Myocardial protection  α2-adrenergic receptor
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
郝建慧 哈尔滨医科大学药理学教研室 省部共建生物医药国家重点实验室培育基地 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150081 
姚盛波 哈尔滨医科大学药理学教研室 省部共建生物医药国家重点实验室培育基地 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150081  
李旭光 哈尔滨医科大学药理学教研室 省部共建生物医药国家重点实验室培育基地 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150081  
樊 莉 哈尔滨医科大学药理学教研室 省部共建生物医药国家重点实验室培育基地 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150081  
刘 艳 哈尔滨医科大学药理学教研室 省部共建生物医药国家重点实验室培育基地 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150081  
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      ABSTRACT: Cardiac arrhythmia is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases with high morbidity and mortality, and has been a major cause of sudden cardiac death. Dexmedetomidine, a highly selective α2-adrenergic receptor agonists, is now widely used in the intensive care setting for sedation, analgesia and hemodynamic stability. In recent clinical reports, dexmedetomidine shows a benefi- cial therapeutic role in junctional ectopic tachycardia(JET), atrial ectopic tachycardia(AET), reentry type supraventricular tachycardia (Re-SVT), atrial flutter (AF) or ventricular and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias during the perioperative period for congenital cardiac surgery. It also reduces perioperative myocardial injury, and then effectively maintains hemodynamic stability. Understanding its mecha- nism of these effects may provide a new strategy for the development of antiarrhythmic drugs, to achieve the purpose of translational medicine.
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