Article Summary
李姗姗 张慧超 徐丹 张广鑫 杨幼林△.传统结肠镜检查法的应用现状[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2017,17(6):1180-1182.
Current Status of the Application of Conventional Colonoscopy
中文关键词: 注气式结肠镜  结直肠疾病  现状  局限性
英文关键词: Colonoscopy  Colorectal diseases  Current Status  Limitation
Author NameAffiliation
李姗姗 张慧超 徐丹 张广鑫 杨幼林△ 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 
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      自20 世纪六十年代末结肠镜检查术问世以来,无论是其操作手法还是器械改革均得到飞速发展,并广泛应用于临床,使直 视病灶、实现活检及治疗成为可能。虽然,结肠镜检查为结直肠疾病的诊断及治疗带来了巨大的帮助,并成为结直肠癌诊断的金 标准,但其局限性也日渐明显。作为一种侵入性操作,结肠镜检查无法避免的腹部疼痛、难以预知的并发症、无法保证的成功率以 及可能存在的漏诊率限制了其临床应用,不仅在一定程度上降低了患者的依从性,增加了操作的困难度,且使一部分具有操作指 征的患者错失早期诊断及治疗的最佳时机。本文简要阐述了传统注气式结肠镜检查法的一般特点,并总结了其应用现状,以期为 今后传统注气式结肠镜检查法的合理化应用提供一定的参考依据。
      Colonoscopy had been considerably developed in maneuvers and instruments since the late nineteen sixties. It made the visualization, biopsy and treatment of intestine possible without laparotomy. Though its application had brought dramatic benefits for the diagnoses and treatments of colorectal diseases and became the gold standard for primary investigation of colorectal cancer, its limitations including unavoidable pain, unpredictable complications, impossibility of guaranteed intubation of the cecum and errors in colonoscopic detection of neoplasia appeared to be more and more obvious and made itself restricted, which negatively affected the patients' compliance with the examine and increased the difficulty during the procedure. What was worse, some of them may miss the treatment which should have been available before. The clinical applications of conventional colonoscopy was reviewed so as to provide guidelines for the reasonable application of conventional colonoscopy hereafter.
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