Article Summary
于杰 孙忠人 李洪玲 魏庆双 吴建丽 刘紫君 董婉茹 曹阳.艾灸治疗压疮的研究现状[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2017,17(6):1183-1186.
Current Research Status of Moxibustion in the Treatment of Pressure Ulcer
中文关键词: 艾灸  压疮  褥疮  新生血管
英文关键词: Moxibustion  Pressure ulcer  Bedsore  Angiogenesis
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(81273823;81473761);教育部博士点基金项目(博导类)(20122327110007 ); 黑龙江中医药大学研究生创新科研项目(yjscx2016008)
Author NameAffiliation
于杰 孙忠人 李洪玲 魏庆双 吴建丽 刘紫君 董婉茹 曹阳 黑龙江中医药大学哈尔滨市李洪玲中医外科诊所 
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      艾灸能够发挥温经散寒、行气活血,通经活络,散瘀通滞的作用,治疗压疮的临床疗效显著,但其分子机制仍不清楚。新血管 的生成在压疮修复、愈合的过程中发挥重要的作用,可为新生组织提供着氧气和营养成分。虽然现代医学对褥疮组织的血管新生 分子机制研究不断深入,但仍缺乏有效的治疗手段。艾条的种类、施灸操作种类及艾灸的作用机理等方面均可影响艾灸治疗压疮 的疗效。如何将艾灸治疗褥疮的中医原创特色与现代医学对于新生血管深入的分子机制研究有机结合是值得思考的问题。
      Moxibustion played a role in warming channel and expelling cold, promoting qi to activate blood, clearing and activating the meridians and collaterals as well as dissipating blood stasis and circulating stagnation. It was effective in the treatment of bedsore. However, the molecular mechanism of moxibustion in the treatment of pressure ulcer was still unclear. The angiogenesis played an important part in the repairment and healing process of pressure ulcer, which could provide oxygen and nutrients to the newborn tissue. The molecular mechanism of modern medicine on pressure ulcer which was involved in the angiogenesis constantly went deeper, but it was lack of effective treatment. In addition, great importance should be attached to adjusting the type of moxa stick and moxibustion operation as well as moxibustion mechanism, aiming at optimizing the affecting factors of curative effect of moxibustion in the treatment of pressure ulcer. Accordingly, how to combine the moxibustion therapy which belonged to the original features of Traditional Chinese Medicine with thorough molecular mechanism of angiogenesis study of modern medicine was a significant question worthy of consideration.
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