Article Summary
刘艳 刘娜 于洪志 吕传宝 邵贵骞.硫酸镁在产科麻醉中的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2017,17(6):1198-1200.
MagnesiumSulfate and the Obstetric Anesthesia
中文关键词: 硫酸镁  先兆子痫  麻醉  神经保护
英文关键词: MagnesiumSulfate  Preeclampsia  Anaesthesia  Neuroprotection
Author NameAffiliation
刘艳 刘娜 于洪志 吕传宝 邵贵骞 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院麻醉科 辽河油田总医院ICU 科 
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      镁离子是人体内最丰富的阳离子之一,在机体许多的细胞功能中都发挥重要作用,参与体内多种重要的生物合成过程。硫 酸镁是一种传统药物,在预防和治疗母亲与胎儿相关的各种疾病如妊娠高血压综合征、先兆子痫、子痫发作及先兆早产中的作用 越来越受到重视,能够降低产妇及胎儿的发病率和死亡率。随着研究的不断深入,人们发现其在麻醉领域中的作用愈加突出,能 够与全身麻醉药、局部麻醉药、麻醉镇痛药等产生协同作用,可作为术中安全的麻醉辅助用药。本文阐述了硫酸镁对于产科麻醉 医生的重要性,硫酸镁在产科麻醉中的应用,并查找其在妊娠高血压疾病、早产儿的神经保护、麻醉辅助镇痛、预防应激反应以及 稳定血流动力学等方面应用的最新证据。
      Magnesium is one of the most abundant cations in the human body. It plays an important role in many cellular functions and is involved in many important biological processes. Magnesium sulfate is a traditional medicine. Its role in the prophylaxis and treatment of various conditions in both mother and fetus, such as Pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia attack and preterm labor, is increasing. It can reduce the incidence and mortality of maternal and fetal. With further research, it was discovered that its role in the field of anesthesia becomes more prominent, and it can create synergies with general anesthetics, local anesthetics, narcotic analgesics being used as a safe adjunct to anesthesia. This review focuses on the importance of magnesium sulfate for the obstetric anaesthetist and its use in obstetric anesthesia, and looks at the most recent evidence surrounding its use in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, neuroprotection of the premature infant, the expanding role of magnesium as an analgesic and adjunct to anaesthesia and prevention of stress response and hemodynamic stability.
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