Article Summary
Medial Plantar Artery Pedicled Perforator Flap to Repair the Ipsilateral Heel Function Area of Tiny Wound
Received:December 03, 2016  Revised:December 29, 2016
中文关键词: 足底内侧动脉穿支皮瓣  足跟  软组织缺损
英文关键词: Medial plantar artery perforator flap  Heel  Soft tissue defect
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
许清华 遵义医学院附属医院整形手外科 贵州 遵义 563000 
孙广峰 遵义医学院附属医院整形手外科 贵州 遵义 563000  
金文虎 遵义医学院附属医院整形手外科 贵州 遵义 563000  
聂开瑜 遵义医学院附属医院整形手外科 贵州 遵义 563000  
邓呈亮 遵义医学院附属医院整形手外科 贵州 遵义 563000  
李书俊 遵义医学院附属医院整形手外科 贵州 遵义 563000  
魏在荣 遵义医学院附属医院整形手外科 贵州 遵义 563000  
王达利 遵义医学院附属医院整形手外科 贵州 遵义 563000  
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      摘要 目的:探讨带蒂足底内侧动脉穿支皮瓣转移修复足跟功能区微小创面的临床效果。方法:自2012年1月至2015年12月我科收治的足跟软组织缺损病人17例,男12例,女5例,其中左侧足跟损伤10例,右侧足跟损伤7例,伴跟腱损伤的8例。致伤原因:车祸伤8例,机器绞伤4例,锐器伤3例,电击伤2例,年龄12~55岁,平均27岁,清创后创面面积最大为6 cm×5 cm,最小为3 cm×2.5 cm。临床均采用足底内侧动脉穿支皮瓣带蒂转移修复,供瓣区植皮修复。对跟腱损伤的病例同时于修复跟腱损伤。结果:术后随访6~24个月,17例皮瓣完全存活,未发生皮瓣血管危象,供瓣区皮片移植均一期存活。皮瓣感觉恢复良好,两点辨别觉6~9 mm,平均7 mm ,术后患者穿鞋无疼痛不适,行走正常,无溃疡发生,效果满意。结论:足底内侧动脉穿支皮瓣供区隐蔽,血供可靠,对供区损伤较小,转移修复后可恢复良好的皮瓣感觉,是修复足跟功能区微小创面的理想组织瓣之一。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of the medial plantar artery pedicled perforator flap to repair 1. the tiny wound on heel. Methods: The retrospective analysis of patients with heel soft tissue defect (n=17)from January2012 to December 2015, with 12 males and 5 females. The left heel injury in 10 cases, 7 cases of right heel injury, 8 cases with achilles tendon injury. The causes of injury: 8 cases of traffic accident injury, 4 cases of mechanical injury, 3 cases of sharp injury, electric injury in 2 cases. The cases with an average age of 27, range from 12 to 55; The biggest wound area after debridement is 6 cm×5 cm, the smallest is 3 cm×2.5 cm. Clinical application of medial plantar artery pedicled perforator flap to repair heel soft tissue defect. The donor area covered with grafting. Repair achilles tendon during the operation. Results: The patients were followed up for 6-24 months, 17 flaps survived completely, without the occurrence of vascular crisis of flap. The skin grafts on donor area survived. The sensation of the flap was good, and the two points dis- crimination was 6 to 9 mm, with an average of 7 mm. The patients wear shoes without extrusion or pain after operation, normal walking, no ulcer, the result was satisfactory. Conclusion: Medial plantar artery pedicled perforator flap's donor site is concealed, with reliable blood supplement and less body injury, transferred repair can restore good flap sensation. It is one of the ideal area of tissue to repair the tiny wound on heel.
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