Article Summary
周 爽,谢平原,卢光琇,林 戈.女性Duchenne/Becker型肌营养不良症携带者发病机理的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2017,17(25):4986-4989.
Advances in the Pathogenic Research of Female Carriers with Symptomatic Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Received:January 05, 2017  Revised:January 28, 2017
中文关键词: Duchenne/Becker型肌营养不良  女性携带者  X偏斜失活
英文关键词: DMD/BMD  Female carriers  Skewed X inactivation
Author NameAffiliation
周 爽 中南大学生殖与干细胞工程研究所 湖南长沙 410078人类干细胞国家工程研究中心 湖南长沙 410078 
谢平原 中南大学生殖与干细胞工程研究所 湖南长沙 410078人类干细胞国家工程研究中心 湖南长沙 410078 
卢光琇 中南大学生殖与干细胞工程研究所 湖南长沙 410078人类干细胞国家工程研究中心 湖南长沙 410078卫生部干细胞与生殖工程重点实验室 湖南长沙 410078中信湘雅生殖与遗传专科医院 湖南长沙 410078 
林 戈 中南大学生殖与干细胞工程研究所 湖南长沙 410078人类干细胞国家工程研究中心 湖南长沙 410078卫生部干细胞与生殖工程重点实验室 湖南长沙 410078中信湘雅生殖与遗传专科医院 湖南长沙 410078 
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      ABSTRACT: DMD/BMD is a X-linked recessive hereditary disease. It predominantly affects males. While female carriers do not have symptoms, due to their inactive X chromosome make it present mosaic. Recently, more and more papers reported that a clinically significant proportion of DMD/BMD female carriers have symptoms. They presented variable degrees of symptoms. But the mechanism of the pathogencity is still not clear. Most of the research considered that the dominating reason is the skewed X inactivation. It means that the predominant expression of the DMD mutant allele make the normal one have weak expression, thus no function dystrophin pro- teins could be generate, manifested as DMD/BMD. In this paper, we mainly summarized the relationship between skewed X inactivation and pathogenicity of the symptomatic DMD female carriers.
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