Survey of Reference Values of Serum Total Protein and Albumin in HealthyPopulation in Hunan Province
中文关键词: 血清总蛋白  血清白蛋白  参考值  湖南省
英文关键词: Serum total protein  Albumin  Reference value  Hunan province
谭明万张大伟王国慧朱利勇谭娟李鹏洲朱晒红 中南大学湘雅三医院普外科 
摘要点击次数: 866
全文下载次数: 972
      目的:本实验旨在建立湖南省健康人群血清总蛋白(TP)、血清白蛋白(ALB)及A/G 比值的参考值区间。方法:收集4543 例 湖南省城乡健康参考个体,采用全自动生化分析仪测定其血清TP、ALB 值,并计算A/G 比值,按不同年龄、性别、城乡进行分组统 计学分析,建立适合湖南省人群TP、ALB 及A/G 比值的参考值。结果:湖南省健康人群参考区间为TP:66.51~82.85 g/L,ALB: 43.09~50.19g/L,A/G 比值为1.05~2.19;TP 随年龄增大而稍有升高,中年达到高峰,后随年龄增大而降低,在各年龄组,女性均 高于男性(P <0.05),乡村地区TP 值高于城市地区(P<0.05);ALB 随年龄增大稍有升高,在青壮年到达高峰而后下降,在儿童青少 年、青壮年组血清ALB 男性高于女性(P <0.05),而在中年、老年组血清ALB 无差别,乡村地区ALB 值高于城市地区(P <0.05); A/G 比值随年龄的变化存在一定的差异性,A/G 比值随年龄增大稍有增高,在青壮年组达到高峰而后下降,且在各年龄组男性高 于女性(P <0.05),城市地区A/G 值高于乡村地区(P <0.05);湖南省健康人群的TP、ALB 与全国其他省市的TP、ALB 存在差异。 结论:湖南省健康人群TP、ALB、A/G 比值参考区间与全国其它省份稍有差异,血清TP、Alb、A/G 比值存在年龄、性别和地区差异 性。
      Objective: To establish the reference interval of serum total protein (TP), serum albumin (ALB) and A/G ratio within healthy crowd in Hunan area. Methods: The high-level automatic biochemical analyzer was used to detect the level of serum TP, ALB and A/G ratio of 4543 cases collected from health reference individuals in the urban and rural of Hunan province and divided it into different groups by age, gender, and area,to establish the reference values of serum total protein (TP), serum albumin (ALB) and A/G ratio within healthy crowd in Hunan area. Results: The reference interval of serum total protein (TP), serum albumin (ALB) and A/G ratio within healthy crowd in Hunan area are 66.51~82.85g/L,43.09~50.19g/L and 1.05~2.19 respectively. The TP values increases slightly with age increased, middle-aged to the peak, then reduced with age increased ,in all age groups, women are higher than men (P <0.05), TP values in rural areas are higher than in urban areas (P <0.05); ALB increases slightly with age increased,reached the peak in young adults,and then reduced, ALB values in men higher than women in children and adolescents (P <0.05), but no difference between middle- aged group and elderly group, ALB values in rural areas are higher than in urban areas (P <0.05); there are certain differences about the changes of A/G ratio with age, A/G ratio increases slightly with age increased, A/G ratio increases slightly with age increased, yong adults to the peak,and then reduced with age increased, in all age groups, men are higher than women (P <0.05), A/G ratio in ueban areas are higher than in rural areas (P <0.05); there are differences between the reference values of TP, ALB within healthy crowd in Hunan province and the others with the nation. Conclusion: There are differences slightly between the reference values of TP, ALB, A/G ratio within healthy crowd in Hunan province and the others with the nation. There are age,gender and areas differences about TP, ALB, A/G ratio.
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